среда, 8 мая 2013 г.

Roach fishing in the winter

Roach - one of the most common fish in our region, and it can be found in almost any body of water. Perhaps not find a fisherman, who in his life would not catch roach. It's about a roach fishing in the winter I want to tell.

Where to catch roach?
Perhaps we should begin by bodies of water, where you can catch the fish. The larger body of water, the higher the probability of capturing a larger instance. In the Leningrad region - a huge number of water bodies (both large and small), under the terms of catching roach on which three are: the Lake Ladoga, the Gulf and inland lakes. Differences in fishing, of course, is not very significant, but everywhere there is a specificity. You can also divide the catch on the night and day, mostly for the Gulf of Finland and Lake Ladoga.

Roach fishing on Lake Ladoga
One of the most interesting in terms of fishing is Lake Ladoga. Here roach caught practically all along the coast. The most affordable is the northern coast - places such as the platform 44 km and Lake Ladoga, known to all fishermen in St. Petersburg. The most successful roach caught at a depth of 4 to 8 m and 8 m is more stable. Unfortunately, the concentration of fish is not very high, so expect a very good catches is not necessary, as it is 8-10 kg, and basically up to 3-4 kg. The best places to start catching an hour's walk from the beach, look for drop-off shore. The depth in this location closer to the w / w station Lake Ladoga, respectively, and to go from here to fish closer. Search makes sense, since the size of the fish is not the same everywhere.
On the south shore of Lake Ladoga is very interesting in terms of catching roach places such as towns and Black Ledneva. Here is a little different situation. Fish is a depth of 4-5 m, and it is much greater than on the north side. On a good day catch may reach 15-20 kg, and the average size of the fish - 300-400 gr. It is not uncommon to catch roach minnow, and got caught specimens is not gigantic. Before fishing need to determine the area of ​​fishing, since the concentration of the roach is not the same everywhere, the presence of roaches can be identified by the fishermen who catch perch: if they catch this fish catches, it makes sense to stay here. Once the site is chosen, it should be to drill 3-4 wells and overfeed them. If the place is well chosen, is usually enough 1-2 hole for the whole day fishing.
As with the north shore and clearly visible from the southern island Zelenets, this is a very good place for fishing, but due to the distance from the shore is not very convenient in terms of fishing, so as to get there on foot at least 3 hours go. Basically, there are collected some night fishing.
Bait on Lake Ladoga not require any frills. It is enough millet porridge with the addition of bread crumbs and crushed seeds. Not prevent the presence of any flavor. In strong currents need to add a binder, and if necessary, clean sand.
As the nozzle is usually used bloodworm, less grubs.

Roach fishing on the Gulf of Finland
The second largest body of water in our region is the Gulf of Finland, which, however, is not as rich roaches as Lake Ladoga, however, and there are quite a few places where you can successfully catch roach (both day and night).

The most immediate is the Lahti, which is practically in the city. It is very uneven bottom, as were earthworks. Depth reaches 10-12 m Roach comes across different - mainly in the region of 100 gr. In Lahti lot of fishermen, as well as just walking around, so lovers of tranquil fishing is recommended not to go here. Next, start the quieter places such as Ol'gino and Marine. Depth is around 3-4 m, with a flat bottom with no abrupt changes. In the area of ​​Ol'gino is a permanent reset of warm water, and therefore at this point the concentration of fish is slightly higher than elsewhere. Also because of this there is a ravine here, just freezing in extreme cold. Approach it is not very close, as it is likely to fail. Good catches in these areas (to my knowledge) can be achieved only during night fishing. Daily catches rarely exceed 3 kg. Together with roaches come across a lot of ruff, unfortunately, in recent years strongly obmelchal.
In general, the Bay to the dam greatly affected person, a lot of sites with artificially modified bottom, which puts its mark on the fish.
One of the downsides of fishing on the Gulf of Finland is the stickleback, which in some places can not give any other fish caught. In this regard, many fishermen use a nozzle like dough, it stickleback does not like, but the moth eats with gusto. Fortunately, this fish is not everywhere, and where it does not, use the usual bait.
Further along the coast should be noted Sestroreck and Resort but decent fish weight here is difficult to catch, although fishing is quite fascinating. The fish here is quite unsuited, and that bite in the next moment, nobody knows, sometimes there are very worthy copies.
Feed on the bay should be a sufficiently large number of holes, because the concentration of fish is not very large. Bait also requires better choice than on Lake Ladoga. This can be breadcrumbs with the addition of ground sunflower or other seeds. Now a lot of fishing tackle shops ready baits, some of them are of good quality. So do not have the time or desire to make the bait itself should pay attention to them. In the absence of stickleback makes sense to add bloodworms. Bay is not uncommon for a very strong, in which the addition of sand and a binder, such as cookies or ground flour can keep your bait in place. However, the need to feed 2-3 m upstream of the hole to where you are going to catch. Feeding is performed to the bottom of a special pan.

Of course, this is not all the places the Gulf of Finland, where it is possible to extract a roach, but it is probably the most accessible in terms of transportation.

Roach fishing in inland waters of the Leningrad Region
Leningrad region is also very rich in lakes, unfortunately, roaches are not very large, and rarely reaches 200 g. It comes across almost all bodies of water, but none of the large roach does not constitute the bulk of the catch. Those bodies of water where white fish catches in large quantities, usually caught roach bream with, but it takes a little less deep sections (3-4 m). However, where a little white fish, you can catch almost any depth. May be the most effective tactic for drilling holes and feeding, starting at a depth of 2.5 m, and every 7-10 m to the places where you want to catch a fish. On some lakes roach goes to the very shore, but its size is almost always very small.
Bait, except in cases with a strong current, almost the same as on the Gulf of Finland, however, do not add flavorings. In general, the winter fish in inland waters is very negative view of the sharp smell, and a large concentration of odorous substances may scare her. The main nozzle is bloodworms, bad acting larvae mugwort (burdock). Good result gives sandwich bloodworms and thistles, and, even if biting bloodworms was to pull off, but the fish was caught, chances are that you still catch fish, is very high.

How to catch roach?
Tackle for catching roach is no different from tackle, say, perch and includes rod, nod, fishing line and one or more mormyshek. Line diameter and mormyshkas chosen depending on how deep you are going to catch on and what size of fish you expect. Usually used fishing line diameter 0.1-0.12 mm. As a commonly used lower mormyshkas tungsten diameter 2.5-4 mm may be a simple (i.e. non-colored) and supplemented with svetonakopitelya. If you use the upper mormyshkas, they are tied at a distance of 20 cm from the bottom, and usually it's easy jig of epoxy with svetonakopitelem.

How to catch roach?
We should also mention ways to play and wiring. Roach does not like fast movements, so the game nod should be smooth, without sharp fluctuations. Very often takes a roach near the bottom, so it is a long time to play, like tapping MORMYSHKA about it. This causes the formation of a small cloud of haze that attracts fish. The bite is on the rise, and usually it is always clear. If it did not happen, you can start playing tackle up. Udilnik be lifted smoothly, with little wiggle nod, sometimes you can play with stops, especially if the bite is not very active. If the weather permits, you can spend the same wiring, just from the top down, biting is not such a clear, but their number increases. When posting a bite is usually labeled a sinking nod in place. There are cases when a roach bite only standing attachment, in which case we should not take anything else, the only thing - do not let the bait out of the hands, as if biting is likely that you do not have time to jerk it.
Sometimes, the fish rises to the half-waters, it is possible either in the spring when the fish are most active, or with proper use of bait, when a roach is lifted by food, gradually increasing the height of the opening of the trough. In this method, the bait must be light enough that it does not immediately sink to the bottom and the fish have time to be interested in it. To do this, enter the bran, but a lot of them leads to the opposite result, and the bait just does not sink. Therefore it is necessary to precisely calculate the ratio of the components, which is determined empirically (based on what ingredients you use). For each water body should be selected their composition, although recreational fishing is usually enough without the addition of breadcrumbs.
Feeding can be done in two ways: trough and hand. A point is reached trough concentration of fish near the hole, and significantly reduces the consumption of bait, but the way the fish begins to be caught immediately, since trough several scares her. Feeder itself consists of a metal cone with a bottom opening at the request of a fisherman at any depth. Feeding fish with his hands much less afraid, but at the same bait diverges significantly radius, and thus the concentration of fish under Feeding recess is reduced and feed consumption increases. Usually the bait is diluted with water up to the point of it until you can not dazzle balls - the deeper the need to deliver the bait, the more the lump should be.
Very good acting combined method of feeding. To attract bait fish are fed with white hands, and to keep it under the hole - with a crank on the bottom of the trough. Sometimes it brings very good results, especially if you do not begin to catch immediately after feeding.
In fact, it is believed that a roach (and bream) is worth catching, not earlier than one hour after the bait this time gives the fish a calm approach to food in normal amounts, of course, if it is there. There may be times when a fisherman, as they say, sits on the head of a fish, in such cases, you can do without bait, but, unfortunately, this happens very rarely, and it is better not to count.

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